Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeLines
* Don't try to chmod(2) abstract Unix domain sockets.absAlejandro Colomar2022-08-23-12/+16
* Log abstract Unix domain sockets with a leading '@'.Alejandro Colomar2022-08-23-0/+5
* Don't add a trailing '\0' for abstract Unix domain sockets.Alejandro Colomar2022-08-23-5/+19
* Use a minimal socklen.Alejandro Colomar2022-08-23-2/+2
* Optimize string copy in Unix sockets.Alejandro Colomar2022-08-23-2/+4
* release-1.23.1 tagMaxim Dounin2022-07-19-0/+1
* nginx-1.23.1-RELEASEMaxim Dounin2022-07-19-0/+66
* Updated OpenSSL used for win32 builds.Maxim Dounin2022-07-19-1/+1
* Events: fixed EPOLLRDHUP with FIONREAD (ticket #2367).Maxim Dounin2022-07-15-0/+2
* Range filter: clearing of pre-existing Content-Range headers.Maxim Dounin2022-07-15-0/+13
* Resolver: fixed memory leak for the "ipv4=off" case.Sergey Kandaurov2022-07-14-4/+1
* The "ipv4=" parameter of the "resolver" directive.Ruslan Ermilov2022-07-12-15/+54
* SSL: logging levels of various errors added in OpenSSL 1.1.1.Maxim Dounin2022-07-12-0/+12
* Upstream: optimized use of SSL contexts (ticket #1234).Maxim Dounin2022-06-29-27/+235
* Version bump.Maxim Dounin2022-06-29-2/+2
* release-1.23.0 tagMaxim Dounin2022-06-21-0/+1
* nginx-1.23.0-RELEASEMaxim Dounin2022-06-21-0/+101
* Updated OpenSSL used for win32 builds.Maxim Dounin2022-06-21-1/+1
* Misc: win32 sources now preserved in release tarballs.Maxim Dounin2022-06-20-6/+0
* Contrib: vim syntax, update core and 3rd party module directives.Gena Makhomed2022-06-18-748/+264
* Perl: removed unused variables, forgotten in ef6a3a99a81a.Sergey Kandaurov2022-06-14-2/+1
* Resolver: make TCP write timer event cancelable.Aleksei Bavshin2022-06-01-0/+1
* Stream: don't flush empty buffers created for read errors.Aleksei Bavshin2022-05-23-1/+1
* Mp4: fixed potential overflow in ngx_http_mp4_crop_stts_data().Maxim Dounin2022-06-07-1/+1
* Upstream: handling of certificates specified as an empty string.Sergey Kandaurov2022-06-07-12/+20
* Upstream: fixed X-Accel-Expires/Cache-Control/Expires handling.Maxim Dounin2022-06-07-7/+24
* Upstream: fixed build without http cache (broken by cd73509f21e2).Maxim Dounin2022-05-31-4/+5
* Headers filter: improved memory allocation error handling.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-0/+4
* Multiple WWW-Authenticate headers with "satisfy any;".Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-2/+3
* Auth request: multiple WWW-Authenticate headers (ticket #485).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-3/+8
* Upstream: multiple WWW-Authenticate headers (ticket #485).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-9/+17
* Upstream: handling of multiple Vary headers (ticket #1423).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-5/+43
* Upstream: duplicate headers ignored or properly linked.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-9/+104
* Upstream: header handlers can now return parsing errors.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-13/+80
* Upstream: all known headers in u->headers_in are linked lists now.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-0/+11
* All known output headers can be linked lists now.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-0/+25
* Upstream: simplified Accept-Ranges handling.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-3/+1
* Upstream: simplified Content-Encoding handling.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-37/+3
* Upstream: style.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-7/+17
* Perl: combining unknown headers during $r->header_in() lookup.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-40/+44
* Perl: all known input headers are handled identically.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-20/+2
* All non-unique input headers are now linked lists.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-59/+12
* Reworked multi headers to use linked lists.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-245/+175
* Combining unknown headers during variables lookup (ticket #1316).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-21/+74
* Uwsgi: combining headers with identical names (ticket #1724).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-6/+51
* SCGI: combining headers with identical names (ticket #1724).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-5/+45
* FastCGI: combining headers with identical names (ticket #1724).Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-13/+138
* Perl: fixed $r->header_in("Connection").Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-0/+4
* Fixed runtime handling of systems without EPOLLRDHUP support.Marcus Ball2022-05-30-2/+6
* Version bump.Maxim Dounin2022-05-30-2/+2