path: root/RELEASE
blob: 1e20718bb98aea66e826ab20d19b366b27e424f4 (plain) (tree)

































       Release - instructions for releasing a new version

       Change log, git tag, tarball, LSM, email, and push.

       This are the instructions to release a new official version of the
       project.  However, these should also be useful for those who simply
       want to package a random commit (this is done for example by Gentoo).
       For packaging a random commit without an official release, you only
       need step (4) "Tarball".

       The following list of dependencies states what the build system (the
       makefiles) need to perform the relevant (dist) targets:

       -  echo(1)
       -  expr(1)
       -  find(1)
       -  git(1)
       -  grep(1)
       -  gzip(1)
       -  install(1)
       -  locale(1)
       -  make(1) - GNU Make is required.
       -  sed(1)
       -  sort(1)
       -  tar(1) - GNU tar is required.
       -  xargs(1)
       -  xz(1)

       Apart from that, the following commands are also needed for other tasks
       shown below:

       -  gpg(1)
       -  kup(1)

       (1)  Version

            -  Decide the version number:

                   $ old=6.01
                   $ new=6.02

       (2)  Changes

            Fill the <Changes> file.  For that you can check older commits,
            like d4e80a7748 "Changes: Ready for 6.01".  It needs manual
            intervention, but in that commit log you can check a few commands
            that will help.

            -  Remember to change the version number, the date, and the

            -  Remove any headers not used for a specific release (usually\
               happens with "New and changed links").

            -  The structure is a bit freestyle, but keep it organized.
               man-pages-6.00 was a huge release, so it might help to check it:
               51228378bec7 "Changes: Ready for 6.00".

            -  Commit:

                   $ git add Changes
                   $ git commit -sm "Changes: Ready for ${new}"

       (3)  Tag

            Create a signed tag.  The tag message should note the most
            important changes in the version being released, since it will be
            read by users and packagers.  It should include any information
            that is especially relevant for them.  Check old tags such as
            'man-pages-6.00' or 'man-pages-6.01'.

            -  Tag:

                   $ git tag -s man-pages-${new}

       (4)  Tarball

            Creating the tarball will embed in the manual pages both the
            version number, and the date of last modification (in the git
            repository, the pages have placeholders for the date and the

            You need to create a set of tarballs, sign the .tar archive, and
            upload the compressed tarballs to <>.

            In case you're creating a tarball for distributing a random
            commit, it might be interesting to tweak a few parameters; check
            the variables available at <share/mk/>, and any makefiles
            included by that one.  See the "Versions" section below.

            -  Create the tarball:

                   $ make -Bj4 dist

               Alternatively, you may want to only create a specific kind of
               tarball with one of the following targets:

                   $ make -Bj4 dist-tar dist-xz dist-gz

            -  Sign the tarball:

                   $ cd .tmp/
                   $ gpg --detach-sign --armor man-pages-${new}.tar

            -  Upload the tarball:

                   $ kup put man-pages-${new}.tar.xz man-pages-${new}.tar.asc \
                   $ cd ..

       (5)  LSM

            Update the <lsm> file.  Check old commits, like
            c11cb1ca844d "Ready for 6.01".

            -  Update the project version number.

            -  Update the release date.

            -  Update the tarball name and size.

            -  Commit:

                   $ git add lsm
                   $ git commit -sm "lsm: Released ${new}"

            -  Send (email) the lsm file to <> with the subject

       (6)  Email

            Send an announce email to linux-man, LKML, libc-alpha, and
            possibly others that might be interested in the release, such as
            distribution maintainers, or those who have contributed to the

            The email should contain a mix of the git tag message, the
            contents of Changes, and anything else that might be relevant.
            Check old emails such as

            The subject of the email should be "man-pages-${new} released".

       (7)  Changes.old

            Move the contents of <Changes> to <Changes.old>, and prepare for
            the next release.

            -  Copy contents of <Changes> to <Changes.old>:

                   $ (echo; echo) >> Changes.old
                   $ cat Changes >> Changes.old

            -  Empty <Changes>:

                   $ git checkout man-pages-${new}^^ -- Changes

            -  Commit:

                   $ git add Changes Changes.old
                   $ git commit -sm \
                         "Start of man-pages-NEXT: Move Changes to Changes.old"

       (8)  Push

            You've finished.  When you confirm it's good, push to the git

            -  Push:

                   $ git push
                   $ git push korg man-pages-${new}

               korg is just my name for the remote.

   Changes, Changes.old
       Change log.  Includes most relevant changes.

   Makefile, share/mk/, share/mk/
       Main makefiles used for releasing (however, others may also be used by

       Linux software map.  See also <>.

       Generated tarballs.  You can generate all with 'make -B dist', or
       generate only some of them, with 'make -B dist-tar', 'make -B dist-xz',
       or 'make -B dist-gz'.

       Use the DISTVERSION variable when running make(1) to specify a version
       different than the default, which is generated with git-describe(1).
       This needs to be done from the git repository, and won't work from an
       extracted tarball.

           $ make -B dist-xz DISTVERSION=6.01+43

       The version and date of last modification for each page is hardcoded
       by the Makefile into the pages when the tarball is generated.  This
       means that it's not possible to generate a valid tarball from another
       extracted tarball, since the version and date will not be updated.
       Tarballs need to be created from the git(1) repository.