Name Bugs - instructions for reporting bugs Description Report bugs to the mailing list. If you can write a patch, it's very welcome. If you're unsure if the bug is in the manual page or in the code being documented (kernel, glibc, ...), it's best to send the report to both at the same time, that is, CC all the mailing lists that may be concerned by the report. Some distributions (for example Debian) apply patches to the upstream manual pages. If you suspect the bug is in one of those patches, report it to your distribution maintainer. Send logically separate reports. For unrelated pages, or for logically-separate issues in the same page, send separate emails. There's also a bugzilla, but we don't use it as much as the mailing list. If you want to track your bug there, feel free to open a bug report, but expect more attention in the mailing list. See also CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING.d/*