//===--- iwyu_globals.cc - global variables for include-what-you-use ------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "iwyu_globals.h" #include // for sort, make_pair #include // for printf #include // for atoi, exit, getenv #include // for map #include // for set #include // for string, operator<, etc #include // for make_pair, pair #include "iwyu_cache.h" #include "iwyu_include_picker.h" #include "iwyu_getopt.h" #include "iwyu_lexer_utils.h" #include "iwyu_location_util.h" #include "iwyu_path_util.h" #include "iwyu_port.h" // for CHECK_, etc #include "iwyu_stl_util.h" #include "iwyu_string_util.h" #include "iwyu_verrs.h" #include "iwyu_version.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h" #include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/Version.h" #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h" using clang::DirectoryEntry; using std::make_pair; using std::map; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace include_what_you_use { static CommandlineFlags* commandline_flags = nullptr; static clang::SourceManager* source_manager = nullptr; static IncludePicker* include_picker = nullptr; static const clang::LangOptions default_lang_options; static const clang::PrintingPolicy default_print_policy(default_lang_options); static SourceManagerCharacterDataGetter* data_getter = nullptr; static FullUseCache* function_calls_full_use_cache = nullptr; static FullUseCache* class_members_full_use_cache = nullptr; static int ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags(int argc, char** argv); static int ParseInterceptedCommandlineFlags(int argc, char** argv); static void PrintHelp(const char* extra_msg) { printf("USAGE: include-what-you-use [-Xiwyu --iwyu_opt]... " " \n" "Here are the you can specify (e.g. -Xiwyu --verbose=3):\n" " --check_also=: tells iwyu to print iwyu-violation info\n" " for all files matching the given glob pattern (in addition\n" " to the default of reporting for the input .cc file and its\n" " associated .h files). This flag may be specified multiple\n" " times to specify multiple glob patterns.\n" " --keep=: tells iwyu to always keep these includes.\n" " This flag may be specified multiple times to specify\n" " multiple glob patterns.\n" " --mapping_file=: gives iwyu a mapping file.\n" " --no_default_mappings: do not add iwyu's default mappings.\n" " --pch_in_code: mark the first include in a translation unit as a\n" " precompiled header. Use --pch_in_code to prevent IWYU from\n" " removing necessary PCH includes. Though Clang forces PCHs\n" " to be listed as prefix headers, the PCH-in-code pattern can\n" " be used with GCC and is standard practice on MSVC\n" " (e.g. stdafx.h).\n" " --prefix_header_includes=: tells iwyu what to do with\n" " in-source includes and forward declarations involving\n" " prefix headers. Prefix header is a file included via\n" " command-line option -include. If prefix header makes\n" " include or forward declaration obsolete, presence of such\n" " include can be controlled with the following values\n" " add: new lines are added\n" " keep: new lines aren't added, existing are kept intact\n" " remove: new lines aren't added, existing are removed\n" " Default value is 'add'.\n" " --transitive_includes_only: do not suggest that a file add\n" " foo.h unless foo.h is already visible in the file's\n" " transitive includes.\n" " --max_line_length: maximum line length for includes.\n" " Note that this only affects comments and alignment thereof,\n" " the maximum line length can still be exceeded with long\n" " file names (default: 80).\n" " --comment_style= set verbosity of 'why' comments to one\n" " of the following values:\n" " none: do not add 'why' comments\n" " short: 'why' comments do not include namespaces\n" " long: 'why' comments include namespaces\n" " Default value is 'short'.\n" " --no_comments: do not add 'why' comments.\n" " --update_comments: update and insert 'why' comments, even if no\n" " #include lines need to be added or removed.\n" " --no_fwd_decls: do not use forward declarations.\n" " --verbose=: the higher the level, the more output.\n" " --quoted_includes_first: when sorting includes, place quoted\n" " ones first.\n" " --cxx17ns: suggests the more concise syntax introduced in C++17\n" " --error[=N]: exit with N (default: 1) for iwyu violations\n" " --error_always[=N]: always exit with N (default: 1) (for use\n" " with 'make -k')\n" " --debug=flag[,flag...]: debug flags (undocumented)\n" "\n" "In addition to IWYU-specific options you can specify the following\n" "options without -Xiwyu prefix:\n" " --help: prints this help and exits.\n" " --version: prints version and exits.\n"); if (extra_msg) printf("\n%s\n\n", extra_msg); } static void PrintVersion() { llvm::outs() << "include-what-you-use " << IWYU_VERSION_STRING; // IWYU_GIT_REV should be provided by build system. string iwyu_rev = IWYU_GIT_REV; if (!iwyu_rev.empty()) { llvm::outs() << " (git:" << iwyu_rev << ")"; } llvm::outs() << " based on " << clang::getClangFullVersion() << "\n"; } static bool ParseIntegerOptarg(const char* optarg, int* res) { char* endptr = nullptr; long val = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); if (!endptr || endptr == optarg) return false; if (*endptr != '\0') return false; if (val > INT_MAX || val < INT_MIN) return false; *res = (int)val; return true; } OptionsParser::OptionsParser(int argc, char** argv) { // Separate out iwyu-specific, intercepted, and clang flags. iwyu-specific // flags are "-Xiwyu ", intercepted flags are usual clang flags // like --version, --help, which we intercept to provide custom handling. char** iwyu_argv = new char*[argc + 1]; iwyu_argv[0] = argv[0]; int iwyu_argc = 1; char** intercepted_argv = new char*[argc + 1]; intercepted_argv[0] = argv[0]; int intercepted_argc = 1; clang_argv_ = new const char*[argc + 1]; clang_argv_[0] = argv[0]; clang_argc_ = 1; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (i < argc - 1 && strcmp(argv[i], "-Xiwyu") == 0) iwyu_argv[iwyu_argc++] = argv[++i]; // the word after -Xiwyu else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) intercepted_argv[intercepted_argc++] = argv[i]; // intercept --help else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) intercepted_argv[intercepted_argc++] = argv[i]; // intercept --version else clang_argv_[clang_argc_++] = argv[i]; } // argv should be nullptr-terminated iwyu_argv[iwyu_argc] = nullptr; intercepted_argv[intercepted_argc] = nullptr; clang_argv_[clang_argc_] = nullptr; ParseInterceptedCommandlineFlags(intercepted_argc, intercepted_argv); ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags(iwyu_argc, iwyu_argv); delete [] iwyu_argv; delete [] intercepted_argv; } OptionsParser::~OptionsParser() { delete [] clang_argv_; } CommandlineFlags::CommandlineFlags() : transitive_includes_only(false), verbose(getenv("IWYU_VERBOSE") ? atoi(getenv("IWYU_VERBOSE")) : 1), no_default_mappings(false), max_line_length(80), prefix_header_include_policy(CommandlineFlags::kAdd), pch_in_code(false), no_comments(false), update_comments(false), comments_with_namespace(false), no_fwd_decls(false), quoted_includes_first(false), cxx17ns(false), exit_code_error(EXIT_SUCCESS), exit_code_always(EXIT_SUCCESS) { // Always keep Qt .moc includes; its moc compiler does its own IWYU analysis. keep.emplace("*.moc"); } int CommandlineFlags::ParseArgv(int argc, char** argv) { static const struct option longopts[] = { {"check_also", required_argument, nullptr, 'c'}, // can be specified >once {"keep", required_argument, nullptr, 'k'}, // can be specified >once {"transitive_includes_only", no_argument, nullptr, 't'}, {"verbose", required_argument, nullptr, 'v'}, {"mapping_file", required_argument, nullptr, 'm'}, {"no_default_mappings", no_argument, nullptr, 'n'}, {"prefix_header_includes", required_argument, nullptr, 'x'}, {"pch_in_code", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'}, {"max_line_length", required_argument, nullptr, 'l'}, {"comment_style", required_argument, nullptr, 'i'}, {"no_comments", no_argument, nullptr, 'o'}, {"update_comments", no_argument, nullptr, 'u'}, {"no_fwd_decls", no_argument, nullptr, 'f'}, {"quoted_includes_first", no_argument, nullptr, 'q' }, {"cxx17ns", no_argument, nullptr, 'C'}, {"error", optional_argument, nullptr, 'e'}, {"error_always", optional_argument, nullptr, 'a'}, {"debug", required_argument, nullptr, 'd'}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0} }; static const char shortopts[] = "v:c:m:d:n"; while (true) { switch (getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, nullptr)) { case 'c': AddGlobToReportIWYUViolationsFor(optarg); break; case 'k': AddGlobToKeepIncludes(optarg); break; case 't': transitive_includes_only = true; break; case 'v': verbose = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': mapping_files.push_back(optarg); break; case 'n': no_default_mappings = true; break; case 'o': no_comments = true; break; case 'u': update_comments = true; break; case 'i': if (strcmp(optarg, "none") == 0) { no_comments = true; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "short") == 0) { comments_with_namespace = false; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "long") == 0) { comments_with_namespace = true; } else { PrintHelp("FATAL ERROR: unknown comment style."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'f': no_fwd_decls = true; break; case 'x': if (strcmp(optarg, "add") == 0) { prefix_header_include_policy = CommandlineFlags::kAdd; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "keep") == 0) { prefix_header_include_policy = CommandlineFlags::kKeep; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "remove") == 0) { prefix_header_include_policy = CommandlineFlags::kRemove; } else { PrintHelp("FATAL ERROR: unknown --prefix_header_includes value."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'h': pch_in_code = true; break; case 'l': max_line_length = atoi(optarg); CHECK_((max_line_length >= 0) && "Max line length must be positive"); break; case 'q': quoted_includes_first = true; break; case 'C': cxx17ns = true; break; case 'e': if (!optarg) { exit_code_error = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!ParseIntegerOptarg(optarg, &exit_code_error)) { PrintHelp("FATAL ERROR: --error argument must be valid integer."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'a': if (!optarg) { exit_code_always = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!ParseIntegerOptarg(optarg, &exit_code_always)) { PrintHelp( "FATAL ERROR: --error_always argument must be valid " "integer."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'd': { // Split argument on comma and save in global, ignoring empty elements. vector flags = Split(optarg, ",", 0); dbg_flags.insert(flags.begin(), std::remove(flags.begin(), flags.end(), string())); // Print all effective flags for traceability. for (const string& f : dbg_flags) { llvm::errs() << "Debug flag enabled: '" << f << "'\n"; } break; } case -1: return optind; // means 'no more input' default: PrintHelp("FATAL ERROR: unknown flag."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } CHECK_UNREACHABLE_("All switches should be handled above"); } bool CommandlineFlags::HasDebugFlag(const char* flag) const { return dbg_flags.find(string(flag)) != dbg_flags.end(); } // Though option -v prints version too, it isn't intercepted because it also // provides other functionality like printing clang invocation, header search // paths. // TODO(vsapsai): provide IWYU version in Driver::PrintVersion when version // callbacks are supported (see FIXME in Driver::PrintVersion). static int ParseInterceptedCommandlineFlags(int argc, char** argv) { static const struct option longopts[] = { {"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, nullptr, 'v'}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0} }; static const char shortopts[] = ""; while (true) { switch (getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, nullptr)) { case 'h': PrintHelp(""); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': PrintVersion(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case -1: return optind; // means 'no more input' default: PrintHelp("FATAL ERROR: unknown flag."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } return optind; // unreachable } // Handles all iwyu-specific flags, like --verbose. Returns the index into // argv past all the iwyu commandline flags. static int ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags(int argc, char** argv) { CHECK_(commandline_flags == nullptr && "Only parse commandline flags once"); commandline_flags = new CommandlineFlags; const int retval = commandline_flags->ParseArgv(argc, argv); SetVerboseLevel(commandline_flags->verbose); VERRS(4) << "Setting verbose-level to " << commandline_flags->verbose << "\n"; return retval; } // Make sure we put longer search-paths first, so iwyu will map // /usr/include/c++/4.4/foo to rather than . static bool SortByDescendingLength(const HeaderSearchPath& left, const HeaderSearchPath& right) { return left.path.length() > right.path.length(); } // Sorts them by descending length, does other kinds of cleanup. static vector NormalizeHeaderSearchPaths( const map& include_dirs_map) { vector include_dirs; for (const auto& entry : include_dirs_map) { include_dirs.push_back(HeaderSearchPath(entry.first, entry.second)); } sort(include_dirs.begin(), include_dirs.end(), &SortByDescendingLength); return include_dirs; } // Asks clang what the search-paths are for include files, normalizes // them, and returns them in a vector. static vector ComputeHeaderSearchPaths( clang::HeaderSearch* header_search) { map search_path_map; for (auto it = header_search->system_dir_begin(); it != header_search->system_dir_end(); ++it) { if (const DirectoryEntry* entry = it->getDir()) { const string path = NormalizeDirPath(MakeAbsolutePath(entry->getName().str())); search_path_map[path] = HeaderSearchPath::kSystemPath; } } for (auto it = header_search->search_dir_begin(); it != header_search->search_dir_end(); ++it) { if (const DirectoryEntry* entry = it->getDir()) { // search_dir_begin()/end() includes both system and user paths. // If it's a system path, it's already in the map, so everything // new is a user path. The insert only 'takes' for new entries. const string path = NormalizeDirPath(MakeAbsolutePath(entry->getName().str())); search_path_map.insert(make_pair(path, HeaderSearchPath::kUserPath)); } } return NormalizeHeaderSearchPaths(search_path_map); } void InitGlobals(clang::SourceManager* sm, clang::HeaderSearch* header_search) { CHECK_(sm && "InitGlobals() needs a non-nullptr SourceManager"); source_manager = sm; data_getter = new SourceManagerCharacterDataGetter(*source_manager); vector search_paths = ComputeHeaderSearchPaths(header_search); SetHeaderSearchPaths(search_paths); include_picker = new IncludePicker(GlobalFlags().no_default_mappings); function_calls_full_use_cache = new FullUseCache; class_members_full_use_cache = new FullUseCache; for (const HeaderSearchPath& entry : search_paths) { const char* path_type_name = (entry.path_type == HeaderSearchPath::kSystemPath ? "system" : "user"); VERRS(6) << "Search path: " << entry.path << " (" << path_type_name << ")\n"; } // Add mappings. for (const string& mapping_file : GlobalFlags().mapping_files) { include_picker->AddMappingsFromFile(mapping_file); } } const CommandlineFlags& GlobalFlags() { CHECK_(commandline_flags && "Call ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags() before this"); return *commandline_flags; } CommandlineFlags* MutableGlobalFlagsForTesting() { CHECK_(commandline_flags && "Call ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags() before this"); return commandline_flags; } clang::SourceManager* GlobalSourceManager() { CHECK_(source_manager && "Must call InitGlobals() before calling this"); return source_manager; } const IncludePicker& GlobalIncludePicker() { CHECK_(include_picker && "Must call InitGlobals() before calling this"); return *include_picker; } IncludePicker* MutableGlobalIncludePicker() { CHECK_(include_picker && "Must call InitGlobals() before calling this"); return include_picker; } const clang::PrintingPolicy& DefaultPrintPolicy() { return default_print_policy; } const SourceManagerCharacterDataGetter& DefaultDataGetter() { CHECK_(data_getter && "Must call InitGlobals() before calling this"); return *data_getter; } FullUseCache* FunctionCallsFullUseCache() { return function_calls_full_use_cache; } FullUseCache* ClassMembersFullUseCache() { return class_members_full_use_cache; } void AddGlobToReportIWYUViolationsFor(const string& glob) { CHECK_(commandline_flags && "Call ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags() before this"); commandline_flags->check_also.insert(NormalizeFilePath(glob)); } bool ShouldReportIWYUViolationsFor(const clang::FileEntry* file) { const string filepath = GetFilePath(file); for (const string& glob : GlobalFlags().check_also) if (GlobMatchesPath(glob.c_str(), filepath.c_str())) return true; return false; } void AddGlobToKeepIncludes(const string& glob) { CHECK_(commandline_flags && "Call ParseIwyuCommandlineFlags() before this"); commandline_flags->keep.insert(NormalizeFilePath(glob)); } bool ShouldKeepIncludeFor(const clang::FileEntry* file) { if (GlobalFlags().keep.empty()) return false; const string filepath = GetFilePath(file); for (const string& glob : GlobalFlags().keep) if (GlobMatchesPath(glob.c_str(), filepath.c_str())) return true; return false; } void InitGlobalsAndFlagsForTesting() { CHECK_(commandline_flags == nullptr && "Only parse commandline flags once"); CHECK_(include_picker == nullptr && "Only call InitGlobals[ForTesting] once"); commandline_flags = new CommandlineFlags; source_manager = nullptr; data_getter = nullptr; include_picker = new IncludePicker(GlobalFlags().no_default_mappings); function_calls_full_use_cache = new FullUseCache; class_members_full_use_cache = new FullUseCache; // Use a reasonable default for the -I flags. map search_path_map; search_path_map["/usr/include/"] = HeaderSearchPath::kSystemPath; search_path_map["/usr/include/c++/4.3/"] = HeaderSearchPath::kSystemPath; search_path_map["/usr/include/c++/4.2/"] = HeaderSearchPath::kSystemPath; search_path_map["./"] = HeaderSearchPath::kUserPath; search_path_map["/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-gg23/include/"] = HeaderSearchPath::kSystemPath; SetHeaderSearchPaths(NormalizeHeaderSearchPaths(search_path_map)); } } // namespace include_what_you_use