#!/usr/bin/env python ##===--- iwyu-check-license-header.py - check license headers -------------===## # # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure # # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. # ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import re import argparse # This is used in selected functions to calculate the maximum length of filename # and filler dashes. Not otherwise useful. EMBELLISHMENTS = '//===--- ---===//' HDRFORMAT = """ {c} {c} The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure {c} {c} This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source {c} License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. {c} {t}===----------------------------------------------------------------------==={t} """ def make_hdrformat(one, two): """ Materialize HDRFORMAT based on the one and two comment styles. The one and two args should be '#' and '##' or '//' and '//', respectively. Returns a list of lines. """ r = HDRFORMAT.lstrip().format(c=one, t=two) return r.splitlines() def truncated(filename): """ Truncate the filename with ellipsis if too long """ maxlen = 80 - len(EMBELLISHMENTS) trunclen = maxlen - 3 # ... if len(filename) > maxlen: filename = filename[:trunclen] + '...' return filename def make_license_header(filename, one, two): """ Build a valid license header from filename and comment styles. The one and two args should be '#' and '##' or '//' and '//', respectively. Returns a list of lines. """ assert len(two) == 2 filename = os.path.basename(filename) filename = truncated(filename) def dashes(): c = 80 c -= len(EMBELLISHMENTS) c -= len(filename) return '-' * c firstline = '%s===--- %s %s===%s' % (two, filename, dashes(), two) return [firstline] + make_hdrformat(one, two) def format_file_error(filename, *lines): """ Format an error message from filename and lines """ lines = list(lines) lines[0] = '%s: %s' % (filename, lines[0]) return os.linesep.join(lines) def find_license_header(lines, two): """ Return an index where the license header begins """ if not lines: return -1 for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Allow leading blank lines and hash-bangs. if not line or line.startswith('#!'): continue # Besides those, the first line should be a license header. if line.startswith(two + '==='): break # If not, this fails the test entirely. return -1 return i class File(object): """ Base class for a source file with a license header Do not use directly, instead use File.parse to instantiate a more derived class. Derived classes must have three class variables: * one - One comment char ('#' for Python, '//' for C++) * two - Two comment chars ('##' for Python, '//' for C++) * pattern - a regex matching the first line in a license header """ def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fd: content = fd.read() self.lines = list(content.splitlines()) self.hdrindex = find_license_header(self.lines, self.two) self.filename = filename self.errors = [] @classmethod def parse(_, filename): """ Return an object derived from File to analyze license headers """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == '.py': klass = PythonFile elif ext in ('.h', '.c', '.cc'): klass = CxxFile else: return None return klass(filename) def has_license_header(self): """ Return True if a license header has been found """ return self.hdrindex != -1 def add_license_header(self): """ Add license header to a file that doesn't have one. """ assert not self.has_license_header() # Find insertion point for p, line in enumerate(self.lines): # Skip past leading blank lines and hash-bangs. if line and not line.startswith('#!'): break # Split the lines around the insertion point if self.lines: before, after = self.lines[:p], self.lines[p:] else: before, after = [], [] # Rebuild the contents with the license header in the middle lines = before if before and before[-1] != '': lines += [''] lines += make_license_header(self.filename, self.one, self.two) if after and after[0] != '': lines += [''] lines += after # Write back out with open(self.filename, 'wb') as fd: fd.write('\n'.join(lines)) fd.write('\n') def check_license_header(self): """ Check that the header lines follow convention. Returns True if everything is OK, otherwise returns False and populates self.errors with all found errors. """ if not self.has_license_header(): self.file_error('No license header found') return False hdrlines = self.lines[self.hdrindex:self.hdrindex+8] # First line has the most structure line = hdrlines[0] if len(line) != 80: self.line_error( 1, 'Bad header line length (expected: 80, was: %d)' % len(line), " Header line: '%s'" % line) m = self.pattern.match(line) if not m: self.line_error(1, 'Bad header line', " Expected: '%s'" % self.pattern.pattern, " Actual: '%s'" % line) else: hfilename = truncated(m.group(1)) xfilename = truncated(os.path.basename(self.filename)) if hfilename != xfilename: self.line_error(1, 'Bad header filename', " Expected: '%s'" % xfilename, " Actual: '%s'" % hfilename) # The following seven lines always follow the layout of HDRFORMAT. hdrformat = make_hdrformat(self.one, self.two) hdrlines = hdrlines[1:] for lineno, (expected, actual) in enumerate(zip(hdrformat, hdrlines)): if expected != actual: self.line_error(lineno + 2, 'Bad header line', " Expected: '%s'" % expected, " Actual: '%s'" % actual) return not self.errors def file_error(self, *lines): """ Log an error for the file """ self.errors.append(format_file_error(self.filename, *lines)) def line_error(self, lineno, *lines): """ Log an error for a specific line in the file """ lines = list(lines) lines[0] = '%s:%d: %s' % (self.filename, lineno, lines[0]) self.errors.append(os.linesep.join(lines)) class PythonFile(File): """ Python file with license header """ one = '#' two = '##' pattern = re.compile( r'##===--- ([a-z0-9_.-]+) -[A-Za-z0-9_.,/# -{}]+===##') def __init__(self, filename): super(PythonFile, self).__init__(filename) class CxxFile(File): """ C++ file with license header """ one = '//' two = '//' pattern = re.compile( r'//===--- ([a-z0-9_.-]+) -[A-Za-z0-9_.,/# -{}]+ [-* C+]+===//') def __init__(self, filename): super(CxxFile, self).__init__(filename) def main(filenames, add_if_missing): """ Entry point. Checks license header of all filenames provided. Returns zero if all license headers are OK, non-zero otherwise. """ errors = [] for filename in filenames: if os.path.isdir(filename): continue checker = File.parse(filename) if not checker: # TODO: Consider printing a warning here in verbose mode. continue if not checker.check_license_header(): errors.extend(checker.errors) if add_if_missing and not checker.has_license_header(): checker.add_license_header() for err in errors: print(err) return len(errors) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('IWYU license header checker') parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--add', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() sys.exit(main(args.filename, args.add))